Eryl Davies Eryl Davies ()
It is in relation to God that sin assumes its essential significance; sin is not a mere defect or weakness in man, or an unsociable action, but rather an offence against God.
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Allow God to Lead I will not fail you or abandon you. (Joshua 1:5) Listen to the promises God made to Joshua: “You must lead my people across the Jordan River into the land I am giving them. I promise you what I promised Moses: ‘Everywhere you go, you will be on land I have given you—from the Negev Desert in the south to the Lebanon mountains in the north.’ … No one will be able to stand their ground against you as long as you live …. I will not fail you or abandon you …. You will be successful in everything you do …. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:2-9). We could go on if time and space permitted, but the point is simple: God ordered the Israelites’ days and took care of them as clearly as the sun rises in the morning. He promised to be faithful, and he kept that promise. When God is allowed to lead, he not only leads lovingly but decisively. That truth is displayed throughout the story of Joshua. God has given you and me the same promise. “I am with you always, even to the end of the age,” Jesus tells us (Matthew 28:20). Just as God went before the Israelites ordering their days, he is walking beside us today, guiding our every step. Do you find that as comforting as I find it? Does it make your heart soar to learn that he cares enough to leave his throne and walk through the desert with you? Does it bring a tear to your eye to think that the God of the universe, the Creator of heaven and earth, the God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joshua is also the God of Fred and Martha and Frank?  As you read through the story of Joshua, a clear pattern quickly arises. Whenever the Israelites followed God and remained faithful, they prospered. They won every battle with ease, ate and drank in abundance, and lived fruitful, happy lives. But when they went their own way, leaving God and his commandments behind, they failed. Without exception. Apart from God they had no chance of winning, but when following God’s lead, they had no chance of losing. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the best approach.  Knowing that truth, why would we want to set out on any conquest without letting God take the lead? Why try to even start the day without first looking to God for guidance?

Today’s Reading  Joshua 1:5; 3:7-17 Reflection  How did God work in this passage to reveal his provision to Israel? How has he worked to reveal his provision in your life?
The best-selling Left Behind series has captured the attention of millions of readers, and it has changed lives. It has brought millions of believers the motivation to examine their hearts. Are you ready to embrace eternity? Live each moment as if it could be your last? Your future is more important than your past. Where you are going matters more than where you have been. What you do from this day forward means much more than what you have already done. You may be affected by your past, but you are not defined by it. Not in the eyes of God. What does it mean to embrace eternity? It means grasping each breath as if it could be your last, living life moment by precious moment with your feet planted firmly on earth but your heart aimed squarely at heaven. It means learning to embrace the role of dual citizenship—living in one world while belonging to another. It is a lifestyle of living like there’s no tomorrow and then dying so that your real life can finally begin! This 365-day devotional explores the themes introduced in the Left Behind series—themes of salvation, grace, obedience, and faith. New believers as well as mature believers will find a message of faith that will inspire and motivate daily.