E.M. Bounds E.M. Bounds (1835 - 1913)
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Our purpose is to provide and promote sound Christian literature that will help people to acquire a better understanding of biblical truth. In this way they may be discipled to the Lord Jesus Christ and learn to love and serve Him in a manner worthy of the gospel.

Malta Evangelical Library's Mission Statement
Our Beliefs
We believe that the Bible is the Word of God, written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. It is the utmost and supreme authority, the only infallible rule for faith and life.

We believe that there is but one living and true God, Creator, Preserver, and Governor of the entire universe, existing eternally in Three Persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

We believe that Adam was created in the image of God. When Adam sinned against God, he consequently incurred physical death and separation from God, bringing sin upon all humanity. Therefore, by the fall of man, God in His mercy and grace grants salvation to all who come to Him through Jesus Christ, and gives them eternal life.

We believe in Jesus Christ, God's only Son, conceived by the Holy Spirit. He was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, obeyed the law of God, died on the cross as a vicarious and victorious atonement for our sin and rose bodily on the third day. He ascended to the Father's right side and gave the Holy Spirit to the church.

We believe that it is by grace, God's unmerited favour, that we are saved. In response to the calling of the Holy Spirit, those who trust in Jesus Christ are redeemed and given eternal life. We believe that Jesus Christ intercedes for His redeemed and it is only through Him that believers are able to come before their Heavenly Father.

We believe that every sinner who is born again of the Holy Spirit is a new person. He evidences his new life by repentance and faith in the gospel. Believers are not bound by rules set outside of the Bible, but called to live and glorify God by the Holy Spirit. Their good deeds are the fruit of the Christian life and not the means for claiming righteousness.

We believe that the Church is the body of Christ, which is made visible through local congregations of baptised believers, a communion of saints and a royal priesthood. They belong to Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit indwells every believer in Christ. We further believe that the Church is called to grow and mature to the fullest by the way of worship of God in spirit and truth, fellowship in love, discipleship, and the declaration and demonstration of the Good News of Jesus Christ by the power of the Holy Spirit.

We believe that the end of the world is the completion of Salvation: that Jesus Christ shall come again personally to consummate His Kingdom. We believe in the resurrection of the unrighteous unto eternal punishment and the resurrection of the righteous unto eternal glory in the new heaven and the new earth.

Our Library's History
The Malta Evangelical Library started on very modest lines. Actually it started as a tiny concept in the mind of a local evangelical pastor, Paul Mizzi, who is a firm believer in literature evangelism. Knowing how the Holy Spirit does use good Christian books both to convert and also to strengthen believers in their faith and walk, he had since the mid-eighties taken up the custom to lend his own books to interested people. Things developed this way for many years, until a further idea came to mind. He wrote letters to different Christian organizations, publishing houses and churches to make his desire to start a Christian library in Malta, which, as far as is known, would be the first of its kind in this country. The response was good and sometimes surprising. The Evangelical Library in London, for instance, was very generous with us in sending over large quantities of books. The Banner of Truth Trust also responded by sending us a good selection of their own titles, which are always appreciated by conservation Christians.

With a quantity of books coming in, Paul had to build some shelving in his own basement to display the books and make them available to the public. He started cataloguing the books and advertising their availabiltiy by word of mouth, especially to other churches. Some people came over on purpose to have a look; books started to go out at a greater rate. However, the place was far from ideal. Finally, we decided to dedicate the entrance of our church building at Sta. Venera as the new premises for our library, now called the Malta Evangelical Library. A brother in our church, Thomas, whose job before retirement was as a joiner, built us the shelves, which can accomodate thousands of titles.

Andrè Camilleri, another brother, was appointed to help with the library, seeing that he showed a keen interest in the library, and out of his own initiative bought some software for the proper registration and cataloguing of the books. Later on, his wife Miriam pitched in, assisting him in every way possible. They are still in the process of cataloguing the books; it takes a long time and a lot of patience. But the library is always taking shape, and although it is not yet officially open, books are being borrowed. There is still space available on the shelves, but as a resource, the library is fulfilling its function in providing sound literature both for believers and unbelievers. Interestingly enough, the library includes a few evangelistic books in Maltese, either translated or original. Christian literature in Maltese is very limited. Pastor Paul did most of the translations and his brother, Dr. Joe Mizzi, a paediatrician, wrote a book about the gospel with a Roman Catholic readership in mind, since Malta is largely Catholic in population. Such books are also available, and since we have a quantity of them, most of the time are given away for free to seekers.

Although the Maltese people are not really strong in reading, yet the library definitely has its place and is already playing an important role in reaching to the lost and discipling others, according to the mandate given us in the Great Commission. The challenges are great, but the opportunities are even greater. And while we have freedom of speech, we certainly want to make the best use of the modern spirit of toleration to reach our nation for Christ through various means: street evangelism, tracting, personal witnessing, teaching, preaching, radio programmes, websites on the internet, and so on. The Malta Evangelical Library is also instrumental to make Christ known in all his grace and glory.