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Saved by Grace - A Study of the Five Points of Calvanism
257 pages
A Study of the Five Points of Calvinism
Reformed Free Pub. Association
"The authors set forth the basic tenets of the Reformed faith: the five points of Calvinism in all their rich depth. They clearly explain and defend Calvinism while exposing the errors of Arminianism, using biblical proof texts and explanations from the Reformed creeds. The writers anticipate questions and answer typical objections to the "doctrines of grace." God's sovereignty is always at the forefront of the discussions.
Recommended for personal study of adults new to the Reformed faith and for Bible study groups of all ages, but especially for the older youth of the church. Numbered paragraphs help the reader/teacher follow the lines of argument and their Scripture and creedal proofs.
The appendix contains a recommended reading list, reproduction of parts of the Reformed and Presbyterian creeds relating to the five points of Calvinism, and two indexes, one of Scriptures cited and one covering key words in the outline headings."