Eryl Davies Eryl Davies ()
It is in relation to God that sin assumes its essential significance; sin is not a mere defect or weakness in man, or an unsociable action, but rather an offence against God.
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And it Came to Pass - 3rd annual C.E.F. Symposium Preterism Go back to previous page
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Book Details
Paperback: 137 pages
Subtitle: N/A
Publisher: Canon Press
Category: Prophecy
Edition: N/A
Publish Date: 1993
Dewey Decimal Classification: N/A
Reference No: V-00076
"Although the various authors of And It Came to Pass do not teach that "all things written" stand fulfilled today (Lk. 21:22; I Peter 4:7), they do teach that the bulk of New-Testament prophecies is fulfilled. And though this book falls short of teaching the full significance of the Advent of the King and His eternal Kingdom (Matt. 16:28; II Cor. 6:16; Rev. 21:3) at the Judgment of the Ministry of Death (II Cor. 3:7), it does reason in a manner that could dislodge many eschatological assumptions from the mind of a dispensationalist. R. C. Sproul says in the foreword, And It Came to Pass may serve well as an "introduction to some of the most fascinating and important elements of preterist interpretation." Dr. Sproul further notes that as critics of the Bible teach a supposed Parousia failure and thus reject the inspiration and authority of the Bible, the preterist approach interprets the Bible's imagery and time-frame references soberly, and "offers a framework for consistent interpretation. (The full preterist view Sproul calls "radical preterism," and though he says it "faces serious difficulties with . . . the believer's experience of the resurrection of the," he does allow that "serious study and dialogue are needed if we are to reach agreement as to how far preterism is to go.")"